The amended Indian Oil and Gas Act and phased approach to changes to Indian Oil and Gas Regulations

(January 2022, updated May 2022)

The Government of Canada, in consultation with oil and gas producing First Nations, has amended the Indian Oil and Gas Act, RSC 1985, c I-7 (Act). The amended Act came into force on August 1, 2019. The Indian Oil and Gas Regulations, SOR/2019-196 (Regulations) also came into force on August 1, 2019 and replacing the previous 1995 Regulations.

IOGC has applied a phased approach to changes to the Regulations. The second phase of regulations development is underway and includes:

Work is proceeding on this second phase and IOGC is working with the Joint Technical Committee of the Indian Resource Council and the Department of Justice Regulatory Drafters.

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A public consultation draft of this second phase of regulatory development is anticipated for 2025. To be notified of when it is open for public consultation, email

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