Electronic services
Indian Oil and Gas Canada (IOGC) currently offers four electronic services:
1. Royalty statement eServices submission
Royalty payers are required to submit royalty statement information electronically through the eServices portal. In 2020, IOGC instituted a multi-factor authentication process to ensure the security and protection of information submitted. To set up an individual eServices account, or if you need support for an existing account, please have your company's designated eServices Administrator email royalty@sac-isc.gc.ca.
Electronic Data Submission (EDS) of royalty statement information login
2. Electronic payments
IOGC can accept electronic payments or electronic fund transfers (EFT). To pay by EFT, send an email to iogcfinance@sac-isc.gc.ca for instructions.
Note: Payments by cheque can still be mailed or deposited in the secure mailbox to the right of IOGC's front entrance.
3. Email for service and receipt of notice
To establish email for service and receive notices by email, see the Email for Service and Receipt of Notice Information Letter.
4. Email updates
To enhance our client and stakeholder outreach, we now have email updates. Send an email to contactiogc@sac-isc.gc.ca to subscribe. We will provide you with updates on upcoming regulatory changes and other information of interest quarterly. Subscriptions can be cancelled at any time.
Links and additional information
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